Like I said via twitter, sorry for not posting last night as I promised but I'm making it up to you with lots of pictures of the progress we have been making.
- Wes
I know you've been seeing a lot of the top hats but I promise it's Ben's last one.
Ben so excited to be wrapping up his work on the CNC mill
The beast that has been working non stop lately
With the frame in from Cartesian Tube Profiling, Ryan Zeiset went right to work assembling the frame so that it will be ready to be welding this weekend
Front view of the setup
One of the many joint to be welded
A view from the inside of the frame
The intricacies of the frame
Last shot of the frame
Kyle's intake mold is ready for a carbon fiber sleeve
A big thanks to Wayne for making us some new welding tables and offering us welding classes!
The dyno
From the other (more confusing looking) side