Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Painting Update

Last week Dustin and I were able to get all of our painting done for the frame and the A-Arms. It took a lot of time to strip the frame am clean it but the car looks really good now. As a side note, personally if I were to do it again I would not paint the frame and A-Arms this early. It seems as soon as it was painted something needed to be moved, changed and re-welded or someone else scratched the paint off while putting the seat in or attaching a brake line. This means I'll eventually have to repaint the car or at least do a lot of touch up which could all have been avoided by waiting a few weeks.


Painting the A-Arms

A-Arms hanging out to dry

Starting to paint the frame after finishing the primer on the frame

Painting the frame

Nearing completion

Inside the frame

Brian and Scott working on putting the car back together

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