Monday, March 8, 2010

Running Car? Check.

This week has been a whirlwind for our team. We went from having a half welded frame on Friday afternoon (February 26th) to having a running car on Thursday (March 4th). To call it a miracle would not do our team justice. It took blood from Dustin, Andrew, Nick and a few other team members. It took sleep, from pretty much everyone. Finally it took the dedication and faith from our entire team to put Kimberly together. Even though we did miss our deadline by a few days it is the earliest a Cedarville team has ever had a running car and that is something we are all proud of. Now that it is all put together we are in the process of tearing it apart so we can have the frame painted and the car reassembled and driving by this coming Saturday. What is the rush you ask? Well, the longer we wait the less time we have to drive and test our car and as a special bonus Chief Design Judge of the FSAE Michigan competition will be coming here on Saturday.

- Wes

Pressing bearings into the front upright

Front uprights fully assembled for the first time

 Scott's engines on the stretcher

Matt K. working on the front suspension

Andrew adjusting the rear A-Arms

The Engine team working on wiring

Almost rolling chassis

Ben working on the pedal assembly

Dustin and Jon heat treated our tulips

Wiring being put in the car

Andrew posing for his vanity picture

 Setting up the car on the dynamometer

Car running for the first time on the chassis dyno!

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